Protect Your Area Rugs with High-Quality Pads

Area rug pads are essential for protecting your valuable rugs and enhancing their comfort and longevity. At Mayfair Home Design, we offer a selection of high-quality pads designed to provide superior support, prevent shifting, and minimize wear and tear.

Area Rugs | Mayfair Flooring

The Benefits of Rug Pads

Area rug pads offer a multitude of benefits for both your rugs and your home. They provide essential protection by minimizing friction between the rug and the floor, preventing shifting and sliding that can damage both the rug and your flooring. Rug pads also enhance comfort by adding a layer of cushioning and insulation, making your rugs feel softer and more luxurious underfoot. They help to distribute the weight of furniture more evenly, reducing the risk of rug damage and creating a more stable surface. By providing a barrier against moisture and dirt, rug pads can significantly extend the life of your area rugs, ensuring they remain beautiful and vibrant for years to come.

General Rug Pads

General rug pads are made from a slip-resistant webbed material and largely prevent your rug from sliding out from underneath you when you step on it. You can order a roll and cut it to size or order a pre-cut pad in the specific size you need.

Premium Rug Pads

Premium felt or polyester-blend pads are coated to help them stick to the floor, offering extra protection against movement. They also help to prevent scratches under the rug and are best for adding comfortable padding.